Knighthood & Chivalry

These tours will center around the lives of the most influential knights and certain key figures that ever lived while learning about knighthood and chivalry. They will also shed new light and dispel fact from fiction pertaining to certain events in history and resulting cultural developments surrounding these knights. Sites visited may include their birth and burial places and those that are strongly connected to these knights during their lifetime. Such key figures may include:

Bayeux Tapestry

Bayeux Tapestry depicting the death of King Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

  • William Marshall (England)
  • Joan of Arc (France)
  • William the Conquerer (France) Battle of Hastings in Hastings, England
  • El Cid (Rodrigo Diaz) (Spain)
  • Warwick the Kingmaker (Richard Neville) (England) Important player in the War of the Roses.
  • Richard the Lionheart (England)
  • William Wallace (Scotland)
  • Edward the Black Prince (England) Battle in Carcassone
  • Bertrand du Guesclin (France) Important during the Hundred Years’ War.
  • Hugues de Payens (France)
  • Guy of Lusignan (France)
  • Geoffroi de Charny (France)
  • William of Poiters (France)